You can register for Scouts BSA at any time.

If you've visited our About Us page, learned more about our Activities, and learned a little more about Scouts BSA in general, and it sounds like a blast (because it is) then feel free to join us in our fun!

If you'd like to know more about Troop 193 contact our Scoutmaster or visit one of our meetings at Oakmont Chapel Presbyterian Church.

If you know you're ready to sign up, here are the steps you need to take.

1. Email the Scoutmaster at to let her know you wish to join.

2. Visit a regular troop meeting or registration event.

3. Fill out the Youth Application (which will be sent to you or can be filled out at a meeting).

4. If you feel the call to be a Troop Leader (or just help out) you will need to fill out an adult application. All registered leaders, are also required to take Youth Protection Training before you turn in your form. Ask the Cubmaster or Troop Committee Chairman about these online courses.

5. Pay the yearly dues. 

6. Purchase a class-a uniform. You may be able to find someone with an old one or you can purchase a new one at the Greater Alabama Council Scout Shop located in Liberty Park next to the Council Office. The patches you need can be found under “Troop Resources”, though for anyone joining before the end of the year, we have a special “founders unit numeral” patch you can purchase. We do not require BSA branded pants. You may wear shorts or skirts of appropriate length, capris, pants in olive green.

And that's it! You're good to go.